Tragic, Senseless Loss
The day before yesterday the Palestinians succeeded in perpetrating their first suicide bombing in Eilat. Unfortunately three people were killed by this poor misguided youth, two owners and an employee of a neighborhood bakery. The terrorist went from Gaza to Sinai (easy to do), crossed our fenceless border with Egypt (apparently, even easier to do), hitched a ride to Eilat and managed to explode himself in the bakery before police closed in on him. This exposes a number of things. One is the lack of security on the Egyptian side of the border. It exposes again the need on our side of the border to build our forces there in order to properly battle the smugglers and terrorists. Apparently in the past year 100 infiltration attempts from Sinai have been stopped. It highlighted the need to build an electronic fence on this border, which has been so effective around Gaza and around the West Bank in preventing terrorism.
The terrorist attack apparently also succeeded. For the previous week it really looked like as if Fatah and Hamas were going to have a full blown civil war. I guess this attack did succeed in reminding the Palestinians who the real enemy is-Israeli men, women, children and vicious bakers in Eilat. As the "moderate" Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said to a rally on January 11: "We will not give up our principles and we have said that rifles should be directed against the occupation." Furthermore, "We have a legitimate right to direct our guns against Israeli occupation. It is forbidden to use these guns against Palestinians. The occupation has perpetrated brutal attacks in Jenin, Beit Hanun and Ramallah." This is the man we want to prop up and think is a viable peace partner. Yet he talks about war.
What is so incredibly sad and tragic about the whole thing is that there could be peace tomorrow if the Palestinians would lay down their weapons and negotiate. Israel is ready. We would close settlements, evacuate tens of thousands of Jews from their homes, even give reciprocal territory for the 3-4% of the West Bank we would probably keep. An agreement could be reached. We all say we want it, a two-state solution. So do the Palestinians, Israel, the UN, United States, the European Union, and Russia. So why isn't it happening? What is holding it up? The Palestinians had a remarkable opportunity 18 months ago when Israel left the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank. Here we gave them on a silver platter without preconditions contiguous territory to really start state building. What happened? Hate is powerful. The Palestinian nationality and national identity is based on hatred of Israel and fighting Israel. I don't think they can conceive of life without this. So instead of building greenhouses and factories in Gaza, they build tunnels into our sovereign territory to attack and kidnap our soldiers. They use their Israeli settler and soldier free territory to launch Kasam rockets targeting our civilian population and to send terrorists through Sinai to Eilat to kill, maim and destroy. What a tragedy. What a waste.
As long as the Palestinian leadership continues to preach, teach, educate Palestinian society that the struggle and dying for the cause, against the occupation is all that matters, they will never have peace. The Palestinians, as a people have only learned how to die. You can't truly be a nationality, a people, a nation, unless you also know how to live. That is one of the secrets of Jewish survival. The Palestinians need to learn this lesson. Otherwise, there will only be more death and destruction.
The day before yesterday the Palestinians succeeded in perpetrating their first suicide bombing in Eilat. Unfortunately three people were killed by this poor misguided youth, two owners and an employee of a neighborhood bakery. The terrorist went from Gaza to Sinai (easy to do), crossed our fenceless border with Egypt (apparently, even easier to do), hitched a ride to Eilat and managed to explode himself in the bakery before police closed in on him. This exposes a number of things. One is the lack of security on the Egyptian side of the border. It exposes again the need on our side of the border to build our forces there in order to properly battle the smugglers and terrorists. Apparently in the past year 100 infiltration attempts from Sinai have been stopped. It highlighted the need to build an electronic fence on this border, which has been so effective around Gaza and around the West Bank in preventing terrorism.
The terrorist attack apparently also succeeded. For the previous week it really looked like as if Fatah and Hamas were going to have a full blown civil war. I guess this attack did succeed in reminding the Palestinians who the real enemy is-Israeli men, women, children and vicious bakers in Eilat. As the "moderate" Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said to a rally on January 11: "We will not give up our principles and we have said that rifles should be directed against the occupation." Furthermore, "We have a legitimate right to direct our guns against Israeli occupation. It is forbidden to use these guns against Palestinians. The occupation has perpetrated brutal attacks in Jenin, Beit Hanun and Ramallah." This is the man we want to prop up and think is a viable peace partner. Yet he talks about war.
What is so incredibly sad and tragic about the whole thing is that there could be peace tomorrow if the Palestinians would lay down their weapons and negotiate. Israel is ready. We would close settlements, evacuate tens of thousands of Jews from their homes, even give reciprocal territory for the 3-4% of the West Bank we would probably keep. An agreement could be reached. We all say we want it, a two-state solution. So do the Palestinians, Israel, the UN, United States, the European Union, and Russia. So why isn't it happening? What is holding it up? The Palestinians had a remarkable opportunity 18 months ago when Israel left the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank. Here we gave them on a silver platter without preconditions contiguous territory to really start state building. What happened? Hate is powerful. The Palestinian nationality and national identity is based on hatred of Israel and fighting Israel. I don't think they can conceive of life without this. So instead of building greenhouses and factories in Gaza, they build tunnels into our sovereign territory to attack and kidnap our soldiers. They use their Israeli settler and soldier free territory to launch Kasam rockets targeting our civilian population and to send terrorists through Sinai to Eilat to kill, maim and destroy. What a tragedy. What a waste.
As long as the Palestinian leadership continues to preach, teach, educate Palestinian society that the struggle and dying for the cause, against the occupation is all that matters, they will never have peace. The Palestinians, as a people have only learned how to die. You can't truly be a nationality, a people, a nation, unless you also know how to live. That is one of the secrets of Jewish survival. The Palestinians need to learn this lesson. Otherwise, there will only be more death and destruction.
At 6:09 AM,
alex said…
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